Once upon a time there was a little boy that grew up in a town called California. He had special powers and he called it destructive wave, and when he was 16 he changed his name to Peter Parker Taufahema. He liked to fight the bad people because he wanted to make the town of California safe for everyone to live happily ever after. First he was walking down the street and then he saw bad people not being kind to other people. He didn’t mind about that people beating up people that are being mean but he would beat up the bad people that is beating up the kind people. He suddenly heard a angrily voice say 'hey you don’t try to save the kind people or I will bash you up'.
Peter Parker Taufahema couldn’t hold him back from smashing the person that said that, so instead of him walking to work happily he stopped to beat him up so that people would safe and he would be known as the first person to beat up Captain California. So he said 'I want to fight you so I can keep this place safe', so lets battle. The Captain California stud up and standard ready to fight so Peter Parker Taufahema standed up ready to fight too.
Captain California almost finished Peter Parker Taufahema but suddenly, but Peter super strongly blocked his finisher called lightning tsunami. Captain California got extremely furious that he couldn’t end him so he could be free of him saying he wants to beat up the bad people so California can be a good/town in America. Peter finally saw a hole and then finally ended him with his special move/finisher called the thunders of god, and Captain California was finally dead.
Peter finished Captain California an Captain California was taken to hospital so they can check if he wasn’t hurt badly. Now Peter was free of Captain California saying that he wants to beat up the people that is kind. Also he finally met his dream that he wanted the town in America called California be a safe place for people to live in.


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